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Postal Codes
Weining Yi, Hui and Miao
五里岗街道 Wuligang ZIP and Postal Codes List, Map
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Postal Code
Postal Codes in Weining Yi, Hui and Miao
Postal/ZIP Codes in Bandi (板底乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Caohai (草海镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Chahe (岔河乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Dajie (大街乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Dongfeng (东风镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Dougu (斗古乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ertang (二塘镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Guanfeng (观风镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Guanfenghai (观风海镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Haibian (海边街道)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Haila (海拉乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Halahe (哈喇河乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Heishi (黑石镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Heishitou (黑石头镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Heituhe (黑土河乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Houchang (猴场镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Jindou (金斗乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Jinzhong (金钟镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Liuqiao (六桥街道)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Longchang (龙场镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Longjie (龙街镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Lushan (炉山镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Mazha (麻乍乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Mezhan (么站镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Niupeng (牛棚镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Shanqiao (陕桥街道)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Shimen (石门乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Shuanglong (双龙乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Tujie (兔街乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Weining (威宁乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Weining Yi, Hui And Miao (威宁彝族回族苗族自治县)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Wuligang (五里岗街道)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Xiaohai (小海镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Xinfa (新发乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Xinfabuyizu (新发布依族乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Xiushui (秀水乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Xueshan (雪山镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Yancang (盐仓镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Yangjie (羊街镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Yina (迤那镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Yulong (玉龙乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Yungui (云贵乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Zhama (乍麻乡)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Zhejue (哲觉镇)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Zhongshui (中水镇)