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Ard Maighean Ardamine ZIP and Postal Codes List, Map
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Postal Code
Postal/ZIP Codes in Glenrichards, Ardamine (Gleann Ridire)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Killegran, Ardamine (Cill Eigrin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Knockroe, Ardamine (An Cnoc Rua)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Middletown, Ardamine (Corrán Bhréadaí)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Moor, Ardamine (An Mhóin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Parknacross, Ardamine (Páirc na Gcros)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Poulshone, Ardamine (Poll Seoin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Raheenmore, Ardamine (Ráithín Chúil na Gcuile)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Riverchapel, Ardamine (Séipéil na Habhann)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Seamount, Ardamine (Cnocán na Mara)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Springmount, Ardamine (Cnoc an Tobair Thuaidh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Wafer's Borough, Ardamine
Postal Codes in Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Adamstown, Wexford (Baile Adaim)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ardamine, Wexford (Ard Maighean)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ardcavan, Wexford (Ard Chaomháin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ardcolm, Wexford (Ard Cholaim)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Artramon, Wexford (Ard Chromáin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Aughwilliam, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballindaggan, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Balloughter, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballyanne, Wexford (Baile Uí Éidhin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballybeg, Wexford (An Baile Beag)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballycanew, Wexford (Baile Uí Chonnmhaí)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballycarney, Wexford (Baile Uí Chearnaigh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballyellis, Wexford (Baile Eilís)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballygarrett, Wexford (Baile Ghearóid)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballyhack, Wexford (Baile Hac)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballyhoge, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballyhuskard, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballylarkin, Wexford (Baile Uí Lorcáin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballymitty, Wexford (Baile Uí Mhitigh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballymore, Wexford (An Bhuaile Mhór)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballynestragh, Wexford (Baile Na Sratha)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ballyvaldon, Wexford (Baile Bhaldain)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Bannow, Wexford (Banú)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Barrack Village, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Barronstown, Wexford (Baile An Bharúnaigh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Bolaboy, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Bree, Wexford (An Bhrí)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Bridgetown, Wexford (Baile An Droichid)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Cahore, Wexford (Cathóir)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Carnagh, Wexford (An Charnach)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Carrick, Wexford (An Charraig)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Carrickbyrne, Wexford (Carraig Bhrain)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Castle Ellis, Wexford (Caisleán Eilís)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Castle Talbot, Wexford (Baile Na Móna)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Castleboro, Wexford (Caisleán Bhórú)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Castledockrell, Wexford (Caisleán Docrail)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Clongeen, Wexford (Cluain Caoin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Clonleigh, Wexford (Cluain Liath)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Clonroche, Wexford (Cluain an Róistigh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Coolgreany, Wexford (Cúil Ghréine)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Courtown, Wexford (Bhaile na Cúirte)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Drinagh, Wexford (Doire Challainn Theas)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Duncormick, Wexford (Dún Chormaic)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Dunmain, Wexford (Dún Meáin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Edermine, Wexford (Eadarmaighean)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Enniscorthy, Wexford (Inis Córthaidh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ferns, Wexford (Fearna)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Fethard, Wexford (Fiodh Ard)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Ford, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Forth, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Glynn, Wexford (An Gleann)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Gorey, Wexford (Guaire)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Harperstown, Wexford (Baile An Harpúraigh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Harristown, Wexford (Baile Anraí)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Horetown, Wexford (Baile An Hóraigh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Huntingtown, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Inch, Wexford (Inse An Phúcaigh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilbora, Wexford (Coill Bhórú)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilbride, Wexford (Cill Bhríde)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilcomb, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilcormick, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilcowan, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilgarvan, Wexford (Coill An Gharráin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilgorman, Wexford (Cill Ghormáin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Killag, Wexford (Cill Laig)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Killann, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Killenagh, Wexford (Cill Éanach)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Killesk, Wexford (Cill Eisce)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Killincooly, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Killinick, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Killoughrum, Wexford (Coill Eachroma)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Killurin, Wexford (Cill Liúráin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilmallock, Wexford (Cill Mocheallóg)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilmokea, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilmore, Wexford (An Choill Mhór)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilnahue, Wexford (Cill Na Huagha)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilpatrick, Wexford (Cill Phádraig)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilrush, Wexford (Coill Rois An Gharraí)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kilscoran, Wexford (Cill Scobhráin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Kiltealy, Wexford (Cill Téile)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Lady's Island, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Limerick, Wexford (Luimneach)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Marshalstown, Wexford (Baile An Mharascalaigh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Mayglass, Wexford (Maigh Ghlas)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Monamolin, Wexford (Muine Moling)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Monaseed, Wexford (Móin na Saighead)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Moyacomb, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in New Ross, Wexford (Ros Mhic Thriúin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Newbawn, Wexford (An Bábhún Nua)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Newcastle, Wexford (An Caisleán Nua)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Newtownbarry, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Old Ross, Wexford (Seanros)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Oldcourt, Wexford (An Tseanchathair)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Rathaspick, Wexford (Ráth Easpaig)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Rathroe, Wexford (An Ráth Rua)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Rochestown, Wexford (Baile An Róistigh)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Rosbercon, Wexford (Ros Bearrcon)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Rossard, Wexford (An Ros Ard)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Rosslare, Wexford (Ros Láir)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Rossminoge, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in St. Helen's, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in St. Mary's, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Tacumshin, Wexford (Teach Coimseáin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Taghmon, Wexford (Teach Munna)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Templeludigan, Wexford (Teampall Lúdagáin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Templetown, Wexford (Baile An Teampaill)
Postal/ZIP Codes in The Harrow, Wexford (An Bráca)
Postal/ZIP Codes in The Leap, Wexford (Léim Uí Bhánáin)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Tinnacross, Wexford (Tigh Na Croise)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Tintern, Wexford (Tinteirn)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Tombrack, Wexford (An Tom Breac)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Tomhaggard, Wexford (Teach Moshagard)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Wells, Wexford (Tobar Scoilbín)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Wexford, Wexford (Loch Garman)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Whitechurch, Wexford (An Teampall Geal)
Postal/ZIP Codes in Whitemoor, Wexford
Postal/ZIP Codes in Wingfield, Wexford (An Sceachánach Bheag)